Sunday, August 23, 2009

Life goes on....

People say life goes on... every good thing comes to an end one day and others follow...
But i dont understand how does it really end. "Forget it" is the plea. But does human mind so easily forget. If i can recall minor petty incidents from when i was maybe just five how can one "forget it".
Forget the times which made you happy... Forget the incidents which made you sad...
Life goes on because you encounter many more such incidents but you never forget... do you? then teach me too...
We are not senile so as to forget... I read somewhere "to forget is human, to forgive divine". To forgive is divine. If one can really forgive. Not on the outside but totally. I am human to say the least... but forgetting seems to be even more divine... much more difficult to achieve than forgiving or forgoing which seems the easiest of all... which most of us do... we forego...

We all are still children. Everyday we learn something, we learn about people, we get new insights in life and this never ever ends. How does one grow up then? Is age an indicator? Is knowledge? Is your experience... all this is restricted to our present... who can predict the future... we all will grow older, gain more knowledge, experience more... we still have to grow up

And children learn the fastest... remember the most... we might not be as retentive as earlier but we will be better than tomorrow cause we are still younger than what comes next... we know what has happened... and thats why we are in this situation... life is causal... our past affects our actions of today... we cannot run in a loop of feedback cause we dont get a second chance we cant roll back time... we might predict what could happen but it can all change for the good or for the bad no one knows... we will learn when time comes... the only thing we can do is plan and work so that nothing goes too bad... and if it does we have the strength to deal with it...

Life goes on...